Double demerit points are now in force across NSW

It’s quite simple really – DO NOT SPEED AT ANY TIME!

But be aware that  double demerits are in place for five days in NSW from Wednesday, 21 September until Sunday, 25 September inclusive and for four days from Friday 30 September to Monday 3 October inclusive in NSW and the ACT.

Please also be advised that students will be at school on Wednesday 21 and Friday 23 September 2022 and school zones will be in operation. Be mindful that additional penalties can apply for certain offences committed in school zones.

Double demerit periods typically fall during holiday periods or over long weekends. They run from midnight on the start date to midnight on the finish date and are enforced by police. Please drive safely and take extra care on the roads to protect yourself, your loved ones and all road users.

Why are there double demerits for 5 days due to the National Day of Mourning?

According to the NSW Government, under the Road Transport (Driver Licensing) Regulation 2017, double demerit periods automatically apply over a long weekend when a public holiday falls on a Thursday or Friday, or a Monday or Tuesday. The double demerit period extends to the day before a public holiday to account for an increase in road users, with many people taking the opportunity to enjoy a long weekend.

There are no double demerits in the ACT for the National Day of Mourning public holiday.

What offences attract double demerits?

During double demerit periods, double demerit points apply for speeding, illegal use of mobile phones, not wearing a seat belt and riding without a motorcycle helmet.

Keep in mind that Mobile Phone Detection Cameras are active in NSW and the ACT and drivers caught using their phones during a double demerit period will be hit with a $352 fine ($469 in a school zone) and 10 demerits.

Certain driving and parking offences attract an additional demerit point if committed in an operating school zone. Remember to always drive with care and attention through school zones. Be aware that failing to do so can come with heavy penalties.